in·no·va·tive \ˈi-nə-ˌvā-tiv\
- characterized by creativity and introducing innovations
Technology has always been changing, and as increasingly more comes out, this change speeds up. Considering the rapid changing world of technology, it ought to be no real shock that the same goes for the financial industry. Companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft develop new and improved operating systems frequently, both to stay ahead of the competition and to enhance the user experience.
If you don’t adopt new systems when they come out, it won’t be long before your computer is very outdated. Change is inescapable, if you do not adapt to it, you may be left in the dust and struggling to reap the advantages that change has to offer.
At Intelligent Investing we believe in using creativity and staying nimble to respond quickly to the ever-changing financial landscape and technology. We intelligently integrate a number of financial technologies. We call this proprietary process, Intelligrations®. This doesn’t mean that we are always chasing performance, as that is fruitless, nor does it mean that we are looking for the next investment fad. It does mean that we are willing to push the envelope and move toward the leading edge of technology.